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In Viry, we have the following clubs/associations:

Seniors club
Chairman: Mrs. Marie Claude COSTE
Meeting: Every 3rd Thursday of the month, from de 14.00 to 18.00 hrs, Salle Communale.


Painting workshop
Chairman: Mr. Jean-Luc MOUS, tél 0385883290
Meeting: Monday evening from 20 hrs to 22 hrs, Associations Conference Room.

Keep fit club 
Chairman: Mrs. Christiane JEANDAU
Meeting: Tuesday morning from 9.15hrs untill 10.15hrs and Wednesday evening from 19.15hrs untill 20.15hrs, Salle St Jean in Vendenesse-lès-Chrarolles. Tel: 03 85 24 20 99 or 03 85 24 13 88


Events commission
Chairman: Mrs. Nicole Tomkowiak

Cultural entertainment commission
Chairman: Mr. Bruno PONTUS

Choir  "Le Petit Choeur de VIRY"
For information, please contact François Pacaud 03 85 24 06 10 or 
Mike Carver 03 85 88 39 82 ( )

Military veterants club
Chairman: Mr. Roger MONNET

Hunting club " La Saint-Hubert" 
Chairman: Mr. Claude DUCERT

Hunting club " La Trémollienne" 
Chairman: Mr. Robert PORNON

Commune de VIRY

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